Come on in ... the
Liquors Luverly
As stated above, this site is dedicated to the
appreciation of Pie and Mash for the benefit of anyone interested in finding out about it,
looking for somewhere to eat it,
all those who love it and all the wonderful
establishments that
create it for us.

There are facilities to
upload your photos,
record your
memories and stories of pie & mash and to rate and
review the shops on the list. There's a
Guest Book for
you to sign and say what you think of the website and
its content. Have fun.
And there's more to come including a map feature to help
you locate the nearest pie and mash shops wherever you
are. Let us know what else you'd like to see.
The website is as up-to-date as the information I have
to hand. If you see anything that is wrong or you have
information about shops, news, recipes, stories, etc.
then please
email the editor.
There is one other website you should visit:
The Pie & Mash Club. This group of devotees
regularly visit a number of shops and have a league
table for eating pie, mash, eels and liquor. Now, that's
my idea of heaven!
Please check your
shop details for accuracy of information. If there are
details missing then would you be kind enough to
email the editor so that the public is not misled by
us. Photos of your shop (if missing) would also be
appreciated (simply attach them to an email.)
• This website is the brainchild of
Web Magik, a web design company with an excellent
reputation and ten years experience. While researching
and building it they noticed how many pie and mash shops
did not have a website. With that in mind they have
kindly offered to cut their normal design and build fees
in half for any owners or proprietors who feel the time
has come to enter the 21st century or would like their
old design brought up to date.
Simply go to their
Contact Form and enter the code
PAM50 into the subject box and submit it with your
email address and name and a short message. They will
get back to you within 24 hours.
• This
website is not-for-profit. However, in order to cover
our costs we are offering a limited number of
advertising slots on the Home Page. Only SIX ads (with
links) will be allowed and it will be on a
first-come-first-served basis. The cost of the ads will
be £25 per quarter with no minimum time requirement. In
Web Magik would be happy to design your banner or ad
(if you don't already have one) for a mere £10.
Email the editor to be in with a chance.